quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2009

Down at the Abyssal Plain

'Most of the stories you hear about wild fish involve their disappearance, usually because of over-fishing. Now for a fish tale that's more upbeat. Marine biologists working in the Pacific Ocean say they found a tasty deep-sea fish that is unexpectedly thriving. '

sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2009

quarta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2009

domingo, 15 de novembro de 2009


'The interactions between environmental change and human societies have a long and complex history spanning many millennia. They vary greatly through time and from place to place. Despite this spatial and temporal variability, a global perspective has begun to emerge in recent years and to form the framework for a growing body of research within the environmental sciences. Crucial to the emergence of this perspective has been the dawning awareness of two aspects of Earth System functioning. First, that the Earth itself is a single system within which the biosphere is an active, essential component. Secondly, that human activities are now so pervasive and profound in their consequences that they affect the Earth at a global scale in complex, interactive and apparently accelerating ways; humans now have the capacity to alter the Earth System in ways that threaten the very processes and components, both biotic and abiotic, upon which the human species depends.'

excerpt of Global Change and the Earth System.

A Planet Under Pressure. (2005)

The IGBP Series

segunda-feira, 9 de novembro de 2009

The Anthropocene

Without major catastrophes like an enormous volcanic eruption, an unexpected epidemic, a large-scale nuclear war, an asteroid impact, a new ice age, or continued plundering of Earth's resources by partially still primitive technology (the last four dangers can, however, be prevented in a real functioning no6sphere) mankind will remain a major geological force for many millennia, maybe millions of years, to come. To develop a world-wide accepted strategy leading to sustainability of ecosystems against human induced stresses will be one of the great future tasks of mankind, requiring intensive research efforts and wise application of the knowledge thus acquired in the noösphere, better known as knowledge or information society. An exciting, but also difficult and daunting task lies ahead of the global research and engineering community to guide mankind towards global, sustainable, environmental management.
Prof. Paul J. Crutzen´s "The Anthropocene"